Marketing and


Know your audience and offer them what they need with a customized omnichannel strategy powered by insights and Artificial Intelligence.

Todoesdata helps you

turn your Marketing and Sales department into Data-Driven

and improve: up and cross-selling, campaign customization, customer segmentation, and conversion rates.

Master data is a game changer. What can be measured can't be questioned.

In which sales channel am I getting the best conversion?

How can I promote up and cross-selling?

How do I segment my customers to create specific content?

Which of my leads has a higher chance of closing?

Integrate Data Science and Data Analytics into your sales funnel and monetize every action obtaining the best possible results. You will be able to free resources to have more direct interaction with customers and generate new business opportunities.

Marketing and sales | Todoesdata

Power Up And Cross-Selling

  • Improve your customer experience by offering relevant products.

  • Understand which products in your catalog are usually bought together and don't miss out on a sales opportunity.

  • Maximize shopping baskets' value and take customer service customization to the top level.

Marketing and sales | Todoesdata

Generate More Successful Campaigns

  • Make sure you are reaching the right customer and power multi-channel sales.

  • Optimize your campaigns to maximize their impact and boost conversion rates.

  • Define your buyer persona, identify potential customers, and the best time to reach them.